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Fix Invalid value in field “priceSpecification” (in “offers”)

With recent Google changes in rich snippets, you may find your WooCommerce sites hit with this error.

Fix Invalid value in field "priceSpecification" (in "offers") 1

Investigate further, you see this error highlighted:

Invalid value in field "priceSpecification" (in "offers")

For someone who don’t know much about code, this looks like Greek.

However, the fix is quite simple, you need to remove that part.

Remove priceSpecification

Before doing this, make sure you created a child theme or have a plugin available that you can paste custom code to.

If you have a child theme, put the following code in the functions.php of that theme:

function wc_remove_some_structured_data( $markup ) {
unset($markup['offers'][0]['priceSpecification']); // price removed without stock info
return $markup; }
add_filter( 'woocommerce_structured_data_product', 'wc_remove_some_structured_data' );

This need to be in a <?php block. If you are not sure, hire somebody to do that for you. Doing it wrong may break your site:

Pasting code to remove priceSpecification snippet
Pasting code to remove priceSpecification snippet

Save the file and you are done. Time to request Google to validate the fix.

Credit of this fix goes to paddydoran on this post

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13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce

As you know, competition is much more intense now. Not every online store finds its way into the market. Even websites with decent products struggle to make a profit. So how can we be better than our competitors? That’s the question that has led to various marketing techniques over the past decade. 

The good news is that you don’t need to be a marketing specialist to benefit from them. There are standard and well-tested techniques that can give you great results with little cost.

In this article, we review seven WooCommerce marketing plugins. 

These plugins can differentiate between a profitable online business and a boring website that doesn’t sell very well. With these plugins, you can integrate various marketing techniques right into your WooCommerce store. No coding or technical knowledge is required. 


13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 2

Have you noticed how eCommerce websites send you emails regularly based on your actions and preferences? They are called Follow-Up emails. If used correctly, follow up-emails are a great way to prevent your customers from forgetting about you.

Follow-Up is a premium WooCommerce extension plugin developed by the same team behind WooCommerce. It allows you to define and create customized emails and send them automatically to customers at specific intervals after an action. You can design your fully customized follow-up email templates from the default WordPress post editor and automate them based on different customers’ actions.

It gives you almost everything you need to run your unique Follow-Ups campaigns.

Price:$99 (Billed annually)


  • send automated email based on actions like making a purchase, taking a quiz, signing up for an account, and at specific intervals after the action
  • Various responsive email templates to choose from
  • Integration with Google Analytics and WooCommerce Subscriptions 
  • It allows you to use the WordPress Editor to design custom templates.
  • Full-fledged reporting system

Smart coupons

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 3

Everyone loves coupons, and while WooCommerce supports coupons out of the box, there is much more to achieve. Smart coupons allow you to easily implement discounts, credits, vouchers, product giveaways, offers, and promotions right into your Woocommerce store. It allows you to automatically generate and email coupons based on customer actions like registration or purchase.

Price:$99 (Billed annually)


  • Fixed Amount & Percentage Coupons
  • Bulk coupon Generation, import / Export
  • Shareable / Social Media / URL Coupons
  • Free Gift Coupons / Product Giveaway
  • Location-based Coupons

Smart WooCommerce Wishlist For Morconveret

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 4

The Smart Wishlist For More Convert allows you to add complete wishlist functionality to your WooCommerce website. With this plugin, you can let your users save their favorite products to their wishlist. They then can find their saved products or share them with their friends. This plugin will increase customers’ loyalty and sales. 

Price: free 

Free features

  • Automate promotional emails to users with a specific product on their wishlist or other conditions.
  • The ability to disable the wishlist features for unlogged users
  • Allow users to buy products with dedicated coupon
  • Allow users to move an element from one wishlist to another.
  • Increase sales by offering favorite products to potential customers.

PW WooCommerce Gift Cards

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 5

Who doesn’t like to receive gift cards? Based on the National Retail Federation survey, nearly six in 10 (58.8%) consumers say they would like to receive gift cards as holiday gifts [1]. While there are different gift card plugins for WooCommerce, PW WooCommerce Gift Cards stands out and is our go-to plugin for gift cards. It allows you to easily create gift cards with different prices and let your users gift them to their friends and families. This plugin is an awesome way to increase your sales without any advertisement cost.

This plugin comes in free and pro versions. You can add a complete gift card mechanism to your WordPress store, including gift card purchasing, customization, and Redeeming with the free version. The pro version extends that even further. It provides you with different customization options for the coupon amount, expiration date, and more. 

Price: free and paid ($59/ year)

Premium features

  •  Allow customers to specify the amount. You can set a minimum and a maximum amount.
  • Allow customers to schedule when a gift card will be delivered.
  • Choose an amount that will be pre-selected when purchasing a gift card.
  •  A shortcode to let customers check their gift card balances.
  • Automatically set an expiration date based on the purchase date.
  • Specify the amount and quantity for the cards to create multiple cards in one step.

SUMO Reward Points

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 6

Rewarding and loyalty programs can boost Customer retention and increase sales over time. If you aren’t leveraging that, then it’s time to do so. SUMO Reward Points is a Complete Loyalty Reward Points System for WooCommerce. It outsells any other plugin Rewarding plugin on Codecanyon and has a 4.60 out of 5 ratings. It allows you to reward your customers not only for their purchases but also for Signup, Writing Reviews, Referrals, Coupon Codes, Blog Post, Social network shares, and more. This plugin has tons of customization options that you should try yourself.

Price: ($49)

Premium features

  • WPML, WPML String Translation, and WooCommerce Multilingual Compatible
  • Reward Points for Product Purchase, Signup, Writing Reviews, Referrals, Coupon Codes, Blog Post, etc.
  • Import/Export Users and Reward Points in CSV
  • Gift Vouchers with Reward Points
  • Member Level Feature

WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 7

Various studies have shown that roughly  3/4 of shoppers leave their cards [2]. That’s why many big brands are using different card abandonment techniques to bring customers back to their cards. WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery by CartFlows Inc captures the email address of users on the checkout page. If a customer doesn’t complete a purchase within 15 minutes, it starts sending a series of emails to bring them back. You can customize the timing and the email templates to match your brand. This plugin is free.

Price: (free)


  • Email a unique checkout link to each shopper that takes them exactly where they left off.
  • GDPR Compliant
  • ready templates for follow up emails:
  • generate limited-time unique discount coupons to entice your shoppers and send them automatically via email.
  • complete Reports

Customer Reviews for WooCommerce

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 8

Do you remind your customers to write reviews? If not, then you definitely should. Customer reviews can boost sales by 18% [3]. Customer Reviews for WooCommerce allows you to Send automated, personalized email reminders to each customer after a transaction, reminding them to review the product they have purchased. The free version is already very useful and gives you all the common features you need. You can get some more features plus support in the premium version.

Price: free and paid ($49.99 + VAT billed annually)


  • automated or manual review reminder emails
  • Aggregated review forms to allow quick and easy reviewing
  • Enhanced reviews, including ratings, images, voting, and filtering options
  • Offer discounts in exchange for reviews
  • Question and Answer feature, allowing customers to ask and answer FAQ
  • Import and export reviews


13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 9

AutomateWoo is a powerful marketing automation tool for WooCommerce. It allows you to create marketing workflows that are automatically started by a trigger, like a customer making a purchase or when a specified date like a customer’s birthday arrives. You can customize each workflow using triggers, rules, and actions. A trigger is an event that starts the workflow. Rules let you specify when the workflow should run. Finally, actions are automatically done when the specified rules are met. While you can achieve almost everything this plugin does by combining smaller single usage plugins, this plugin saves you from the headache of working with 10 or 15 different marketing plugins. It also gives you different metrics of your automation status, all in one place. 

Price: paid ($99/ year)


  • various triggers to choose from
  • detailed statistics of automation workflows
  • easily modify your triggers with different rules
  • integration with WooCommerce subscription, WooCommerce points and rewards, and WooCommerce wishlists plugins

Funnel Builder by CartFlows 

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 10

A sales funnel. A marketing term to describe the potential journey customers go through on their purchases. Optimizing your sales funnels is an inexpensive organic way to increase your conversion rate and sell more even with the same number of visitors. Funnel Builder by CartFlows lets you change default funnels used by WooCommerce to get more leads and increase conversion. It also includes various templates to choose from. You can also use page builders like Elementor and Beaver Builder to customize your templates to match your brand. While the free is a good starting point for optimizing your sales funnels, the paid version gives you .more features and support.

Price: free and paid ($239/ year)


  • integration with popular page builders
  • premade templates to choose from
  • WooCommerce Checkout Page Replacement

Affiliate For WooCommerce

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 11

 An affiliate program is an agreement in which a business pays another business or influencer a commission for sending traffic to their product.

Affiliate For WooCommerce is a premium plugin specifically made for WooCommerce. It allows you to run your affiliate program by allowing anyone to participate. The nice thing is that everything is done automatically. You can then easily track your affiliate programs with detailed statistics.

Price: paid ($129/ year)


  • easy setup
  • Allow people to sign up as your affiliates. Approve them and set them up to receive commissions
  • Track affiliate progress and adjustments
  • Easy payouts via PayPal

A/B Testing for WooCommerce (paid)

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 12

Should I offer free shipping for cards above $100 or not? Will I get more orders if I discount all of my products by 10%? These are website-specific questions that are best answered by using a marketing technique known as A/B testing. A/B testing is a marketing method where we set up two different versions of a webpage live and compare the results to choose the best version. A/B testing is a standard and reliable marketing technique. All big brands use it. A/B Testing for WooCommerce makes it a breeze to run server-side WooCommerce A/B tests, like product and shipping price tests. It tracks users by cookies, so each unique visitor will only receive one consistent experience.

Price: paid ($129/ year)


  • easy setup
  • run Shipping and Price Tests
  • Track and analyze test results using Google Optimize and Google Analytics services.

Discount Rules for WooCommerce

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 13

WooCommerce supports discounts out of the box. But it has limited options for creating and managing discounts. Discount Rules for WooCommerce lets you create many kinds of discounts that WooCommerce doesn’t offer. You can create Buy One and Get one free (BOGO) deals, discounts based on categories and products, order total-based discounts, and many more. While the free version gives you a few different discount rules to start with, the pro version has almost any type of discount you can imagine. 

Price: free and paid ($49/ year)

 pro features

  • various discount rules to choose from
  • Discount based on the number of orders placed earlier
  • Bundle / package deals
  • discount for customers with specific email domains

Scratch Coupon for WooCommerce

13 Best marketing plugins for WooCommerce 14

Last-minute offers are an intelligent way to increase sales without reducing the price for everyone. Scratch Coupon for WooCommerce is a premium plugin just to do that.

It creates Scratch cards, which need to be scratched by users before activating/revealing the offers. Users can drag their mouse or finger across the screen to y see the coupon. You can customize texts, colors, and images to match your brand.

Price: paid ($29/ year)


  • Easy customization options
  • manage when and on which page the popup should appear
  • Mobile responsive
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Sell Extra Items With WooCommerce Product Addons

Sell Extra Items With WooCommerce Product Addons 15

WooCommerce product addons are things you sell with your main product. Imagine this scenario: A customer buys a phone on your store. The phone costs $300. If you don’t have any other items to sell along with the phone, your revenue would stay at $300. However, you can offer extra services to maximize your revenue. For example, you can offer screen glass installation for extra $15, one more year warranty with $15 more. If the customer decides to get all those extras, you’ll get $30 more. That’s is 10% increase in revenue.

In this post, I’m going to show you how you can use WooCommerce product addons to maximize your revenue.

Get WooCommerce Product Addons plugin

The functionality we need to enable selling addons is not available in WooCommerce. So, you need to get a plugin to do that job.

Click here to download WooCommerce product addons

Once you get the plugin, install and activate it to get started.

Create addon for a single product

Let’s take the example at the beginning of this article. I’m going to create a product on my store and walk you through the process of creating two addons:

  1. The glass cover installing service
  2. One extra year of warranty

Let’s edit the product. Under product data, you’ll see there is a new tab called add-ons. Let’s click on that tab:

woocommerce product add ons tab

Now, click on add field button to start creating our first add-on. I’m going to create the glass installing service first.

adding a add-on to woocommerce product

As you can see, adding an add-on to a product is quite simple. First, I need to specify the type of the field. In this case, I select checkboxes since this is an optional service, the customer can check or uncheck that box to add the add-on to cart or not.

Next, I write a title for the add-on and a description.

Then, you’ll see there is a place to mark this add-on is required or not. There are required add-on such as when you buy a car, you must buy an insurance policy. However, in this case, the service is optional so I’ll leave that field unchecked.

Finally at the bottom, here you can set the fee for the add-on. As mentioned at the beginning of the post, the fee for this add-on is $15.

Now, we have created one add-on, let me go ahead and create the other.

add another add-on to the product

Now, let’s save the product and see what does it look like.

woocommerce product addon on product page

As you can see, the two add-ons are available on the product page.

If you think the title of those add-ons are quite hard to see, I agree. Let’s change the title type from label to heading

change add-on title from label to heading

Now, view the product page, you can see that the headings are stand out:

product add on title in heading

When you pick these add-ons, the price adjust accordingly:

Create global add-ons for all products in your store

Creating add-ons for single product is easy. However, there are times that you want to create one add-on that apply to all products on the store. Going through every product on the store to add that add-on would be impossible.

Luckily, you don’t need to do that. This plugin allows us to create add-ons that applied to all products on the store.

Let’s learn how to create that.

Under Products, you’ll see there is a new option called Add-on:

add on option under woocommerce products

Click on that, you’ll see this screen:

add on screen to create new add-on for all products

Let’s click on Create new button to create a new add-on. In this example, I’m going to create a multi options add-on. The details of the add-on as follow:

  1. Option one: get the product today, cost: $20
  2. Option two: get the product within 2 days, cost: $10

If the customers don’t use this add-on, the products are delivered by normal shipping.

create a global add-on entering details for the add-on

First, you need to enter some details for the add-on. These details are not visible on the front-end (that means your customer won’t see them). As you can see from the screenshot above, you can specify the categories that this add-on is available. For simplicity purpose, I’ll choose all products.

When scroll down, you’ll see a similar screen to the one in single product for creating add-on. Here is the configuration for the shipping add-on I mentioned above:


As you can see, instead of selecting checkboxes in the type select dropdown, I choose Multiple choice since we have two choices this time. At the bottom, I added two options as mentioned. The cost of the two options are $20 and $10 accordingly.

Now, click on the publish button at the bottom to make this add-on available to all products on the store.

Let’s go ahead and see the multiple choice add-on on single product page:

As you can see, the add-on is fully functional. You can switch between options to get the shipping you prefer.

You can also notice a subtle bug. When I choose none, the subtotal is $0. This is incorrect. It should be the cost of the product.

Final thoughts

As you can see, WooCommerce product addons plugin is a great tool to sell extra items that is related to the current product. It is quite similar to a upsell. If the add-on is required, it would be similar to a force sell product. Hopefully this plugin can help you increase your revenue and profit.

You can find out more about the product here.

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[FREE] How To Print WooCommerce Shop, Category Page To PDF

[FREE] How To Print WooCommerce Shop, Category Page To PDF 16

If you are looking for a way to print your shop page, category page (archive pages) or product page, you came to the right place. Recently, a client asked me just that.

So I searched for a plugin since people say, when you need a function in WordPress, there is a plugin for that. And yes, in this case, there are two plugins: one paid and one free.

There is one from that does the job. This is what it does:

While the plugin does it job, I felt that the functionalities doesn’t justify the price tag $49. So, I tried to search for any free alternative available. Yes, there is one available for free here.

However, don’t install that plugin yet. It broke my site. It seems the author was in a hurry and he missed some important library.

So I decided to put some time to fix that plugin and here is what I got:

It looks pretty good right? I think it’s better than the $49 from WooCommerce.

So, if you want, you can download the plugin below to start adding that print to PDF function to your site.

Download print to PDF plugin here

I don’t take the credit of making the plugin. However, since the current version on is not functioning, I had to create the fix and post it here.

Hope you enjoy it.

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WooCommerce Tab Manager – Add, Remove, Reorder Tabs

woocommerce tab manager

If you find yourself need to add, remove or reorder WooCommerce tabs (in single product page), this post is what you need. I’m going to show you how you can use WooCommerce Tab Manager (a plugin) to:

  1. Add more tabs to WooCommerce product pages
  2. Remove tabs that you don’t need
  3. Re-arrange the tabs in the order you like

Now, let’s get started.

The default WooCommerce product page tabs

By default, on a single product page, you’ll see the following tabs:

default woocommerce tabs in single product page

These three tabs come with almost all WooCommerce products. I said almost because the Additional Information is not available in WooCommerce simple product. It is usually seen in variable products. However, since the information in that tab is not particularly useful, there are many people seek a method to remove it.

If you want to remove that tab, no worries, I’m going to show you later in this post.

Get WooCommerce Tab Manager plugin

To accomplish things we are going to do in this post, you need to get WooCommerce Tab Manager plugin.

Click here to get WooCommerce Tab manager

Remove WooCommerce default tabs

Now, with the plugin installed and activated, let’s go to WooCommerce->Tab manager:

woocommerce tab manager

To remove a WooCommerce default tab, click on Default tab layout:

Default tab layout woocommerce tab manager

To remove a tab, simply click on the remove button at the right of that tab and then click on Save changes.

For example, I’m going to remove the additional information tab on my product page. Let’s see the product page now:

woocommerce remove additional information tab

As you can see the additional information tab is removed.

Change WooCommerce tab name with WooCommerce Tab Manager

Still in the “Default Tab Layout” tab, you can see that you can change the tab title and heading.

For example, for the description tab, it currently has the following title and heading:

product tab title and heading

Now, I want to change:

  1. Description to info
  2. Product description to Product information

I can do it quite easily in WooCommerce Tab Manager.

This is the default title and heading:

default tab title and heading

Now, I’ll update to the new information:

update product tab title and heading in woocommerce tab manager

Save the changes and view the product page:

product page description tab title and heading updated

As you can see, the Description tab title and heading are changed to the value I set.

Add global tabs that available to all products

Now, what if you want to add tab to all products on your store (you can limit that tab to show on specific categories only, I’ll show you later).

For example, I want add special thank you note to all customers in a tab. Thus, I’m going to add a tab called Thank you and the content should be the sincere thank you note.

In WooCommerce Tab Manager, click on Add Global tab and then start filling the content for that tab.

create a new tab with woocommerce tab manager

Click on Save tab to save the changes.

The tab is not visible on the product page yet. Now you need to click on Default Tab layout tab to add the thank you tab to the list of visible tabs.

On the Default Tab Layout screen, at the bottom right, you’ll notice that there is a select box and a button for you to add the tab to list of visible tab. Select the tab you want to add and click on Add:

add the thank you tab to the list of default tabs

Now you see that the new tab is added:

new tab added to woocommerce product tabs

Save changes and view the product page. Sure enough, the new tab is there!

new tab is visible

Configure the new tab to be available in specific product category only

If you want, you can make the new tab available in specific categories only. this make sense since there are information that isn’t related to all products on your store.

Switch to the list of tabs by click on Tabs and click on the tab you want to edit:

list of created tabs

If you look at the right, you’ll see there is an input box to enter the list of categories that this tab is shown:

select the list of categories that the tab is visible

Save changes and you’ll see the tab is not available for all products but only products in your selected categories.

Arrange the order of tabs with WooCommerce Tab Manager

If you look at my tabs here:

default tabs order in woocommerce product page

You can see that the Thank you tab is below the Review tab.

What if you want to move the thank you tab up and push the review tab down?

It’s super easy.

Go to Default Tab Layout, if you hover the cursor over the tab headers, there is a four direct arrows icon appears. You can click and drag the tab to reorder them.

After dragging the tabs to your desired location, click on save changes and see the result:

reorder tabs in woocommerce product page

Add tab to specific products

There are times you want to add tabs to one product or a few products only. In such cases, global tab is not what you need. Luckily, WooCommerce Tab Manager lets you configure tabs for single products.

Let’s edit one product to find out how to configure tabs for a single item.

In the product’s edit screen, scroll to the bottom and click on Tabs:

edit tabs in single product

As you can see, by default, the tab content is disabled. To edit the settings, you need to check the box says “Override default tab layout”.

enable editing for single product tabs

Now, you can see, the tab is active and you can start editing the tabs.

To add a new tab to this product only, click on the Add button at the bottom right of the screen to add a Custom tab. You can also add tabs that you added previously in WooCommerce->Tab manager:

add a custom tab for single product

Now, update the product and view the product page:

Single product tab added by woocommerce tab manager

As you can see, the tab is added to the product page.

Final thoughts

As you can see, the plugin is very helpful when it comes to manage WooCommerce tab. You can edit tabs, remove tabs or add tabs to product pages. You can add tabs to all products using global tabs or add tabs to single products. The global tabs can be added to specific categories only. In my opinion, the plugin does a really good job as a WooCommerce tab manager.

Want to implement WooCommerce gift cards? Check this tutorial out.