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Best WooCommerce Checkout Fields Editor Plugins Review

best woocommerce checkout plugin

As you start using WooCommerce more, you’ll find that you need to customize a lot of things so your store will be exactly what you want. One of the most common customization that WooCommerce users request is checkout fields.

WooCommerce provides a handful of fields in the checkout page that matches most users need. However, there are cases you want to disable some fields and add some others. In such cases, you will need to use a WooCommerce plugin to edit checkout fields.

In this review, I’m going to show you the top three checkout fields editor plugins available now and help you decide what is the best one for your need.

The three plugins are:

Are you ready? Let’s find out what is the best WooCommerce checkout fields editor plugin!

What is the best WooCommerce Checkout Fields Editor plugin

To decide what is the best WooCommerce checkout fields editor plugin, we are going to review their functionalities. What features that only available in one plugin but not it others. How do they work on actual store.

Let start with the first one.

YITH WooCommerce Checkout manager review

When you install and activate this plugin, you will have access to this dashboard:

YITH WooCommerce Checkout manager general setting 1
Best WooCommerce Checkout Fields Editor Plugins Review 1

As you can see here, it does provide some nice options to style the inputs such as setting input size, and color. You can also set the text color on error messages. For example, I can set the following colors for error inputs:

setting color on input error

Then, on the checkout page, if the customer forgets to enter the required fields, she’ll see the following colors applied to the input fields and their labels:

error color on checkout page when required fields are missing

In addition, you can set the date and time format and set everything in one column (not two columns as default).

I think these options are quite nice.

Now, let’s move on to the main functions of this plugin, which is the part where we enable/disable fields and also, add additional fields to the checkout page:

YITH WooCommerce Checkout manager check out fields editor

As you can see there are two sections: at the top there is a list section on the checkout page you can edit. They are Billing fields, Shipping fields and additional fields. The name of those options are self-explanatory.

The section I marked with number 2 is where you edit existing fields. You can enable or disable multiple fields by select them and select an action to perform:

enable and disable multiple fields

If you have used WordPress for a while, this should not be alien to you.

To edit a single field, you can click on the edit button at the right of that field:

edit a single checkout field in YITH

When you click on edit button of a field, you’ll see this form appears:

YITH WooCommerce Checkout manager edit single field form

There you can edit quite many things. The most important fields are label (for you to set the label of this field), required (mark the field as required or not) and interestingly, it allows you to set some simple validations:

YITH WooCommerce Checkout manager validation

One quite interesting option of this plugin is it allows you to rearrange the fields by drag them in this screen:

drag to re-order fields in checkout page

This plugin also let you add more fields to current billing or shipping section. You can enter the field name and click on add new field form at the top:

add new field to billing checkout
add new field to billing checkout configuration

Then, if I save the changes, I can see the field on the checkout page.

added fields shown on checkout page

In this example, I added a field to the billing section. You can do the same with the shipping section.

So, there you have the YITH WooCommerce Checkout manager plugin in action. Let’s review WooCommerce checkout field editor plugin from next.

WooCommerce checkout field editor review

This is the plugin interface after I activate it: WooCommerce checkout field editor billing section.png WooCommerce checkout field editor shipping section WooCommerce checkout field editor additional fields section

My first impression with this plugin is it’s quite simple to use. You don’t have the luxury of setting fields colors like in the first plugin but other than that, you still do pretty much the same in terms of functionalities.

When it comes to form validation, here are the options that this plugin offers:

support validations types in woocommerce checkout field editor

It has less options than YITH’s. However, I don’t see this as a weakness for most users.

Now, let’s review the last but not least checkout fields editor plugin,

WooCommerce easy checkout field editor review

This is the interface of our third plugin: WooCommerce easy checkout field editor:

WooCommerce easy checkout field editor billing screen
WooCommerce easy checkout field editor shipping screen
WooCommerce easy checkout field editor additional fields screen

Out of three, I find this plugin has the most pleasing interface. It’s so simple and clean. However, that doesn’t mean it lacks features.

When you edit a single field, there is a comprehensive form appears to let you edit that fields properties:

Best WooCommerce Checkout Fields Editor Plugins Review 2

This form is available for every fields. There is one option that only available in this plugin but not in other two is the visibility manager. This feature is quite brilliant in my opinion:

checkout field visibility manager

As you can see, you can make a field visible or invisible based on the the product/category. You can also make a field visible based on other field’s value:

field visiblity conditional

This could be the deciding feature for many people. If you need to manage visibility, this plugin is a clear winner.


There you have it: three plugins with similar functionalities. For most people, they do their job just fine. All of three, the one comes from seems to be the last runner. YITH’s plugin, while provide additional styling feature comes with the highest price. The last one, despite being the least expensive, offers the most features.

It is your choice to make the decision. For me, styling fields is quite easy with some CSS so I don’t find YITH’s plugin’s additional features are good enough to justify the price. I would go for Woocommerce Easy Checkout Field Editor since it has the best price and most interesting features.

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[Solved] 1 Minute To Disable WooCommerce Reviews

disable woocommerce reviews

Customers reviews are great way to build your store reputation. However, there are times you want to disable that feature for the reasons only you know 🙂

No matter what reasons you have, I have the solution. In less than one minute, I’ll show you how to disable WooCommerce reviews completely (including remove the reviews tab).

Let’s get started.

Install Disable WooCommerce Reviews plugin

To achieve the result we want, you need to install a plugin. It is called disable WooCommerce Reviews (what a coincidence!)

Just a quick note to you, though the plugin hasn’t been updated for 2 years, it’s still work great!

Go ahead and activate the plugin, then check your product page. You can see that the review tab is gone. There is no way a customer can leave a review on your products.

woocommerce disable product reviews

Disable review but still leave the review tab

What if you want to disable new reviews but still show previous review? It’s perfectly possible.

Are you ready for some code editing? Don’t worry, if you follow me step by step, there will be no harm.

First, you need to disable the plugin. We don’t need it if you only want to disable the rating form.

Next, go to to Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS. You’ll see a box similar to this (yours may or may not have any code in that box):

customize CSS to disable woocommerce reviews

Let’s go to the end of that box and enter the following code:

.single-product #review_form { display: none !important; }

The code should look like this:

[Solved] 1 Minute To Disable WooCommerce Reviews 3

Publish the change and you are done!

Now, if you check your product page, you’ll see the form is gone but the old reviews are still there.

[Solved] 1 Minute To Disable WooCommerce Reviews 4

Awesome, isn’t it?

When you need to enable the review form again, just go to that section again and remove the above code. Your customers then can write some awesome reviews on your products again.


There you go, there are two approaches to disable WooCommerce reviews. It’s your decision to go with what option. If you prefer to completely disable the review function, use the plugin is a good choice. Otherwise, just place a simple code in the customize to get the job done.

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[HOW TO] Add Support For Arabic Currencies In WooCommerce

[HOW TO] Add Support For Arabic Currencies In WooCommerce 5

WooCommerce has support for many types of currencies. However, there are many other currencies are not supported including Arab countries’. If your store is using these currencies:

  • Moroccan Dirham
  • Egyptian Pound
  • Iraqi Dinars
  • Syrian Pound
  • Lebanese Pound
  • Jordanian Dinar
  • Yemen Riyal
  • Libyan Dinar
  • Sudanese Pound
  • Tunisian Dinar
  • Algerian Dinar
  • Mauritania Ouguiya
  • Emirati Dirham
  • Somali shilling
  • Djibouti Franc
  • Comorian Franc
  • Bahraini Dinar
  • Kuwaiti Dinar
  • Omani Rial
  • Qatari Riyal
  • Saudi Riyal

Then you need to install a plugin to use them on your store.

Luckily, there is a plugin for this purpose.

Let’s download the plugin here:

And install it on your site.

Now, to use the new currencies, let’s go to WooCommerce->Settings then scroll down to the currencies section:

woocommerce currencies arabic

In the currency select box, you can search for your currencies there.

What if you don’t want to use a plugin?

There are cases you only need to add one or two currencies to your site, you may not want to use a plugin. Then, you can follow my tutorials here. By following that tutorial, you can quickly add your own currencies and their symbols without having a new plugin on your site.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

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[Tutorial] Let Customers Request Order Cancellation In WooCommerce

woocommerce order cancel

In WooCommerce, when a customer places an order on your store, the order status is processing. In rare case, the customer wants to cancel that order. In order to do so, she must contact the store owner to cancel the request. Thus, the process is long and it cost you manpower to handle the response.

This is what looks like in the customer’s dashboard:

customer default dashboard in woocommerce

As you can see, there is no option for the customer to cancel the order.

What if you can let the customer send a cancellation request on their dashboard? That would be a convenient solution for both of you.

In this post, I’m going you exactly that. You’ll know how to let customers request order cancellation in WooCommerce in less than 5 minutes.

Let’s get started!

How To Let Customers Request Order Cancellation In WooCommerce

The first thing you need to do is to enable a plugin called WC Cancel order.

You can also install by searching for WC Cancel Order in your dashboard by going to Plugins->Add new.

Now, activate the plugin and you are done.

Isn’t it great?

There isn’t any configurations to work with. The plugin simply works.

Now, in the customer’s dashboard, it will look like this:

customer dashboard in woocommerce with order cancel enabled

You can notice the difference, there is a Cancel button at the end of every “processing” order.

If the customer click on that button, the order isn’t cancelled yet. However, its status will be “Cancel Request”.

You can see the status change in your dashboard too:

Let Customers Request Order Cancellation In WooCommerce

It is up to you to update the order status. The customers only send a request, you are the one who decide whether to accept the request or not.


You can see, it’s very simple to let users request order cancellation in WooCommerce. You may think that it would be nice to have a dialog box to prevent customer accidentally click on Cancel button. Fortunately, that option is available in the pro version of the plugin.

Make sure to check out list of must have WooCommerce plugins.

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[Free] How To Enable Wholesale Discount In WooCommerce

enable woocommerce whole sale

Rewarding customers who buy in large quantity is a common practice that many store do. If you are running a WooCommerce store and you want to learn how to enable wholesale discount, this guide is what you need.

Get the free plugin to enable wholesale discount in WooCommerce

To complete this task, you need to install a free plugin called wholesale pricing for WooCommerce.

Download it here

You can also install it by searching for the plugin name in your dashboard.

Configure wholesale discount in WooCommerce

Now you have the plugin installed and activated. Let’s configure a wholesale deal. For example, I want to create a deal that for all customers who purchase at least 5 items, they will get a 10% discount.

Let’s go to the list of activated plugins and click on the Settings link under our newly installed plugin:

configure woocommerce wholesale discount

You can see all the settings are here:

woocommerce wholesale discount rules

The first thing you need to do is to enable this plugin. If you don’t have this checkbox checked, all configurations will have no effect.

Since I’m applying a wholesale discount on cart total items, I’ll need to check the box says: “Use total cart quantity instead of product quantity”.

Next, since the price in cart will be displayed with discount applied, I would like to check the box says “show discount info on cart page” so the customers will know where the discount coming from.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I want to apply a 10% discount so in the discount type select box, I need to select percent.

There are more options below, such as products to include that allows you to select specific products to include (not all products in the store). However, for the sake of this illustration, I’ll apply this deal to all products.

Now, click on save changes button. We are not done yet. Let’s scroll up and click on discount table link:

[Free] How To Enable Wholesale Discount In WooCommerce 6

This is the place you can configure the discount rule. Since we are using the free version, we can only set one level.

Just a reminder, the rule says: If the customer buys 5 products, she will get a 10% discount.

So, in the Min quantity #1, I’ll put 5 for 5 items. In the Discount #1 box, I’ll put 10 for 10%.

Now, click on save changes. We have complete all the steps to setup a simple percentage wholesale discount in WooCommerce.

Test the wholesale discount on store

Now let’s make a test order and see how it looks. I’m going to add 6 products to cart and view the cart:

Enable Wholesale Discount In WooCommerce

As you can see, since the customer has added more than 5 items to cart, she gets a nice 10% discount on the total order.


This plugin does the job really well at creating simple wholesale discount deals for WooCommerce. However, I see it fall short when creating other kind of discounts such as buy one get one, buy one specific product get other product for free… There are plugins for those purposes. However, if you need just one plugin to do all kind of complex pricing (and discounts, I would recommend WooCommerce Dynamic pricing, which I made a tutorial here). It’s the only plugin you need to configure complex discount cases for your WooCommerce store.