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How To Add Class To Single Product In WooCommerce Category Page

How To Add Class To Single Product In WooCommerce Category Page 1

If you need to add class to a single product in woocommerce category page, simply go to plugins/woocommerce/templates and copy the file content-product.php to yourtheme/woocommerce

On line 30, you will see the opening <li tag. This is the start of every product in the category page. Simply enter your tag in post_class and you will have your class appears on the category page.

<li <?php post_class("col-md-4 col-xs-6"); ?>>

How To Add Class To Single Product In WooCommerce Category Page 2
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How To Install WordPress Plugins, Themes From URL

How To Install WordPress Plugins, Themes From URL 3

Sometimes you need to install plugins, themes. Maybe for yourself, maybe for clients. Many times, you see this error:

How To Install WordPress Plugins, Themes From URL 4

The common way to fix this problem is to use FTP upload or access via cPanel. However, many times we don’t have that luxury.

So, this plugin I created based on the the other plugin WP Developer Assistant (An awesome plugin that saved my life countless times but the author haven’t updated for years and it’s not working with php 7). It has one function: allow you to upload files to folders on your servers without touching php.ini, without having access to FTP…

How To Install WordPress Plugins, Themes From URL 5

The UI is simple and straightforward. If you don’t know how to use, please let me know.



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Find Big Files And Delete To Clean Up Your Computer

Find Big Files And Delete To Clean Up Your Computer 6

So I usually find out that there are old files that occupy my HDD but I don’t know which one . For example, I downloaded movies long time ago, watched but didn’t delete. I was searching for a program to help me find such files and delete them. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any.

So, I decided to make one. It turns out the task was quite easy. I completed the app in just a few hours of work. You can download it here:


big file finder screen

Simply run it and find the find, the tutorial can be found below.

Make sure you install JRE 8 on your computer. This application works on Mac OSX, Windows and Linux.

Happy cleaning!



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10 Hours Apps

I’ve recently posted a blog here detailing my plan to generate $10,000/month from various sources (by making software, of course). The plan was to make many apps and monetize them in a various ways. Time is limited since I still have a day job. So, I came up with the idea of 10 hours apps. The backbone of this idea is one app/game should take at most 10 hours from idea to the first MVP (most viable product) to be used by the users.

10 hours doesn’t seem to be much. However, with careful planning, I believe I can create decent apps in that time frame. 10 hours isn’t short for concentrated coding and planning.

Here is the plan that I’m going to use that 10 hours:

  • Hours 0 to 1: Drawing the interface, find out the requirements of the app, what libraries I need to use.
  • Hours 1 to 2: Break down the components that comprise the app. By doing so, I can see the map that I need to go through to actually build the app.
  • Hours 2 to 10: Build components by components until the app is completely built.

Here are the advantages of this method:

  • It makes me more time conscious: For a long time, I think time is an unlimited resources, not anymore. Careful use of time is the most important thing in life.
  • It makes progresses measurable: Instead of spending months and months on a app. I can now see how many hours I’ve worked and how much progress I’ve made.
  • It minimizes the risk of app’s failure: If the app is a failure, I will move on to next app. 10 wasted hours isn’t good but surely better than 10 months.
  • It makes me more careful when picking ideas to work on: As I have only 10 hours per project, I will need to be very careful when picking ideas to start. If projects that costs a lot more than 10 hours, it will be put on the shelf.
  • It force innovation: Limited resources promotes innovation. I will need to come up with better way to manage my time and work more efficient.

Some concerns

  • Does this mean the apps will be crappy: No, the app will be released after 10 hours of work. However, I will work to improve them gradually, depends on their potential.

So, that’s the plan, now comes the execution.

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Making my first WordPress Themes In 1 hour

I’ve been always wanting to make a WordPress theme, partly because I want to sharpen my WordPress development skill, partly because I want to create an unique theme for my own site. It’s been a year since I planned to make that theme and today, it finally come to reality.

The template is nothing special. It is built based on the underscores starter theme, bootstrap and a bit of extra CSS I entered myself. It’s is super lightweight, it only takes the responsive part from bootstrap (you can customize the part of bootstrap you want to use on your site here.

I made this theme under 1 hour. I plan to spend few more hours to customize the header and add some nicer fonts to the theme. The main goal of this theme is to make it lightweight and has a clean look.

I’m not a designer so the best bet is to go out there and look at the clean themes and take all I can to apply to this one.

In case you ask: “what theme you are talking about?” It’s the theme I’m using on this site.

Have a nice weekend!