List of shortcodes In BC Woo Thank You Page Builder



You can find below the list of the shortcode that supported by my plugin BC Woo Thank You Page Builder:

Most common pieces of data

  • [bctk_formatted_billing_full_name] : Full customer billing name
  • [bctk_formatted_shipping_full_name] : Full customer shipping name
  • [bctk_formatted_billing_address]: Full billing address
  • [bctk_formatted_shipping_address]: Full shipping addres
  • [bctk_formatted_order_total]: Order total, currency formatted
  • [bctk_customer_note]: Customer note
  • [bctk_order_number]: Order number
  • [bctk_order_id]: Order ID
  • [bctk_view_order_url]: URL to view the order details
  • [bctk_order_details]: Table that list the order details
  • [bctk_billing_first_name]: Billing first name
  • [bctk_billing_last_name]: Billing last name
  • [bctk_billing_company]: Billing company
  • [bctk_billing_address_1]: Billing address 1
  • [bctk_billing_address_2]:
  • [bctk_billing_city]
  • [bctk_billing_state]
  • [bctk_billing_postcode]
  • [bctk_billing_country]
  • [bctk_billing_email]
  • [bctk_billing_phone]
  • [bctk_shipping_first_name]
  • [bctk_shipping_last_name]
  • [bctk_shipping_company]
  • [bctk_shipping_address_1]
  • [bctk_shipping_address_2]
  • [bctk_shipping_city]
  • [bctk_shipping_state]
  • [bctk_shipping_postcode]
  • [bctk_shipping_country]
  • [bctk_order_item_totals]

Bank transfer shortcode

  • [bctk_payment_bacs_account_name]
  • [bctk_payment_bacs_account_number]
  • [bctk_payment_bacs_bank_name]
  • [bctk_payment_bacs_routing_number]
  • [bctk_payment_bacs_iban]
  • [bctk_payment_bacs_swift]

Less common order data

  • [bctk_order_key]
  • [bctk_customer_id]
  • [bctk_user_id]
  • [bctk_user]
  • [bctk_address_prop]
  • [bctk_payment_method]
  • [bctk_payment_method_title]
  • [bctk_transaction_id]
  • [bctk_customer_ip_address]
  • [bctk_customer_user_agent]
  • [bctk_created_via]
  • [bctk_date_completed] (probably empty if payment is COD/bank transfer…)
  • [bctk_date_paid] (probably empty if payment is COD/bank transfer…)
  • [bctk_date_created]
  • [bctk_address]
  • [bctk_shipping_address_map_url]
  • [bctk_downloadable_items]
  • [bctk_checkout_payment_url]
  • [bctk_checkout_order_received_url]
  • [bctk_cancel_order_url]
  • [bctk_cancel_order_url_raw]
  • [bctk_cancel_endpoint]
  • [bctk_edit_order_url]
  • [bctk_customer_order_notes]
  • [bctk_refunds]
  • [bctk_total_refunded]
  • [bctk_total_tax_refunded]
  • [bctk_total_shipping_refunded]
  • [bctk_item_count_refunded]
  • [bctk_total_qty_refunded]
  • [bctk_qty_refunded_for_item]
  • [bctk_total_refunded_for_item]
  • [bctk_tax_refunded_for_item]
  • [bctk_total_tax_refunded_by_rate_id]
  • [bctk_remaining_refund_amount]
  • [bctk_remaining_refund_items]

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11 thoughts on “List of shortcodes In BC Woo Thank You Page Builder

  1. Hello. That´s a great plugin! Thanks!
    How do I change the dates format? Tried to change in WordPress settings but it didn´t worked.

  2. Thanks for this wonderful plugin
    How to show product name?
    i don’t see a shortcode to list the products that have been ordered

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